Holiday R&R

Exam season is almost officially over and the holiday season has just begun! And what better way to celebrate than some good old rest and relaxation? Take some time for yourself this winter and treat yourself to a much needed cozy evening in! To help you get a head start on self-caring the seasonal depression away, CFS has put together a list of everything you need for some holiday me-time!

Face masks 

Final season stress and those long walks to Taylor or the UCC during sub-zero temperatures have definitely done a number on our skin. Sheet masks are the perfect way to banish dry, dull skin and while giving you an amazing natural glow. Look for masks with hydrating ingredients like coconut, hyaluronic acid and aloe depending on your skin needs and make sure to refrigerate them before use for an extra soothing effect!


Nothing says total relaxation like lighting up a candle! Not only can it provide amazing ambient lighting but it also is just one of those luxuries you can feel – and one you definitely deserve after this past month. Pick out a festive scent to really welcome in holiday cheer (my personal favorite at the moment is “Gingerbread Cookies” from Bath and Body Works!) or, find out the perfect scent for you using this quiz: 

Silk Eye Mask

I don’t know about you, but my sleep schedule is a complete mess. So whether you’re fighting nightly distractions, need complete and total darkness to fall (and stay) asleep, or intend to zone out on your flight home, finding the best sleep mask for your needs can make a serious difference. Treat yourself this holiday season with a silk eye mask – perfect to soothe sensitive or dry skin!

Hand Cream

Over these past few months, I’ve found myself using hand sanitizer everywhere I go. This plus the relentless winter chill has resulted in my hands needing constant hydration. Treat yourself to some quality hand cream this season to make winter a little bit more bearable. Some of our favorites include the Ultimate Strength Hand Salve from Keihls and the Grapefruit Moisturizing Hand Cream from Fresh.

Warm Beverages 

A cozy night is not complete without a warm beverage! Reward yourself this evening with a nice mug of tea or hot chocolate – the perfect complement to a book or Netflix show. If you’re feeling extra fancy, try this homemade hot cocoa recipe or treat yourself to the David’s Tea Holiday Tea set!

Quality Time

Finally, while me-time is essential, it is just as important to make time for your loved ones over the holidays! Some great ways to unwind and catch up with your friends and family include going out to the Christmas Market, planning a potluck (check our our other articles for food ideas!) and cozy movie marathon nights!

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